When you visit our Website "" (the "Website"), "RENTEO", a simplified joint stock company domiciled at ZA du Maudon 50300 PONTS, hereinafter "RENTEO", may collect information about you, some of which may enable us to identify you directly or indirectly.

This may include your name, first name, address, telephone number or e-mail address but also the IP address of your computer, for example, or information related to your browsing on our Website ("Personal Data").

The management of RENTEO Website is carried out in your country by "manager information to be inserted (identity, address)" (hereinafter the "Local Manager"), which will also collect and process your Personal Data for its own needs in the context of the Website management and its business activity at local level.

We invite you to read the Privacy Policy of the Local Manager.

Protecting the confidentiality of your Personal Data is of paramount importance and RENTEO fully respects it.

We can assure you that the Personal Data we collect via the Website are processed in accordance with the provisions of French and European legislation applicable to the protection of Personal Data.

For the sake of transparency, it is of utmost importance for RENTEO that you are informed of the processing and protection of your Personal Data, as defined below. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully.

What is the purpose of our Website?

This Website offers an online platform designed to connect natural or legal persons wishing to rent out a RENTEO Horsebox without a driver, with persons wishing to rent such a vehicle (the "Services").

RENTEO is responsible for the processing of Personal Data of the various users of the Website. This means that RENTEO is responsible for the collection, processing and security of such data in compliance with the applicable legislation.

By using our Website, you consent to the processing of your Data as described in this Privacy Policy and ensure the accuracy of all data you provide to us.

What data does RENTEO collect and use? 

When you use our Website, RENTEO collects certain types of personal and non-personal data, as follows:

Data provided when creating a user account

Browsing on our Website does not require the creation of a user account. However, in order to benefit from RENTEO’s rental services and to rent out a Theault truck, it is advisable to have an account.

When you create an account, we will be required to fill in a form with the following mandatory information:

o   Gender / Title

o   First name

o   Name

o   E-mail address

o   Birthdate

o   Address

o   Postal code

o   City

o   Country

o   Phone number


In addition to this information, you may, if you wish, fill in the following fields:

o   Company;

o   VAT number;

o   Driving license number;

o   Postal address additional information.


This information will not be disclosed to the public visiting our Website. You may review them at any time by going into your account and clicking on “My details”.

Customer's Data

If you wish to rent a Theault truck, you have two options:

o   To log in with your e-mail address and password created when you signed up

o   To continue without logging in. In this case, you are required to fill in the following information:


o   Name

o   First name

o   Gender / Title

o   Birthdate

o   Phone number

o   E-mail address

o   Billing address including street, postal code, city and country

o   Driving license number

Owner's Data

If you wish rent out your Theault vehicle, RENTEO will collect the following information in your registration form:

o   Name

o   First name

o   E-mail address

o   Address including your postal code, city and country

o   Phone number (mobile or landline)


In addition to this information, you may, if you wish, also fill your company’s details.

After providing such information, RENTEO will confirm by e-mail that your request is under review by informing you that a RENTEO will contact regarding your registration.

Data provided on the contact form

In order to provide you with the best information or advice on our services, you can contact us by using the contact form available on the Website. You can use this form both to ask us any question you may have and to obtain information about our products.

The form is available by clicking on "contact" at the bottom of the page.

You will be required to fill in some information on the form in order to enable us to contact you and reply to your message. Some fields are mandatory, while others are optional.

The mandatory fields are the following:

o   Name

o    First name

o    E-mail address

o   Postal code


In addition to this information, you may, if you wish, also fill in the following field:

o   Landline or mobile number


When you contact us, we may keep the information you provided to us. In particular, we may use your e-mail address to keep you informed about upcoming changes or improvements to our services.

Payment Data

In addition to your Registration Data, Owner’s Data and/ or Customer’s Data, you are also required to provide certain Payment Data for the purpose of vehicle reservation and payment for the Services.

Our payment service provider Mango Pay will collect, process and use the Payment Data in order to provide payment services to each User, in order to facilitate your use of the RENTEO Platform, it being specified that the bank card number will be partially masked when displayed or stored. Our provider will process payment data according to the most stringent security requirements in the e-commerce industry. In particular, the operation will be performed by a state-of-the art, secure and encrypted method.

What cookies do we use?

A Cookie is a file consisting of a set of characters that is sent to your device via your browser. The term "Cookie" is understood here in a broad sense and covers all the tracers placed and/or read, for example, when consulting a website, reading an email, installing or using a software or a mobile app, whatever the type of device used (computers, smartphones, digital tablets). Cookies may have various functions.

RENTEO uses technical cookies in order to facilitate your browsing on our Website. Cookies are useful because they save you the inconvenience of entering data multiple times, they facilitate the transfer of specific content and the browsing on our website pages, help us to identify particularly popular sections of our Website and save your preferences, such as language settings.

RENTEO also uses Cookies enabling us to provide you with the tailor-made services that you request, including preselecting a vehicle or knowing the location of the rental request.

You may disable Cookies at any time by clicking on the following link.

RENTEO also uses Google Analytics, Google's tracking tool that may be installed on your device during your browsing on our Website. It enables us to carry out analysis and statistics on audience measurement of the Website. For more information, we invite you to read the Google Analytics cookies policy here.

If you wish to change your settings regarding the placement of analysis/performance Cookies, please check the website(s) dedicated to measuring the audience of our Website, such as Google Analytics (

You can also accept or refuse the use of Cookies at any time, by setting your browser via the following links:

For Internet Explorer®:


For Safari®:


For Chrome®:


For Firefox®:


When you visit our Website for the first time, an information banner is displayed, asking you whether you accept or not the use of cookies, which will be activated after your acceptance. This banner informs you that continuing your visit on our Website means that you agree with the use of Cookies, which is subject to the user’s consent, on your device.

For which purposes do we use your Personal Data?

RENTEO undertakes to ensure that your Personal Data is processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner.

RENTEO uses the Personal Data that you provide on the Website for the following purposes:

  • Sending you newsletters, if you consented thereto
  • Notifying you of changes on the Website

  • Connecting you with the owner of a Theault vehicle wishing to rent it out

  • Connecting you with a customer whishing to rent your Theault vehicle

  • Replying to your requests

  • Contacting you for any problem related to your rental

Who are the recipients of your Personal Data?

For each of the processing operations we carry out, access to your data is restricted to authorised personnel responsible for managing RENTEO services by virtue of their duties.

RENTEO may also rely on technical services providers acting on its behalf and for its account for carrying out and implementing such processing, and may transfer your Personal Data to its distributors. We endeavor to ensure that our service providers implement the appropriate privacy and security measures to safeguard your Personal Data.

Except in the cases above, RENTEO will not share your Personal Data with third parties unless required by law and/or if you have expressly consented thereto beforehand.

What is the retention period for your Personal Data?

RENTEO stores your Personal Data for the time necessary to achieve the purposes for which they have been collected. At the end of the retention period, RENTEO will delete such data, or, where required, archive it to meet legal obligations to which the company is subject and in compliance with the rules applicable to archiving procedures.

RENTEO pays particular attention to complying with these rules and has set up a corresponding retention period for each category of processing.

Are your Personal Data transferred outside the European Union?

RENTEO does not transfer your Personal Data outside the UK and the EU.

What are your right regarding the protection of your Personal Data?

In application of the legislation in force, users are entitled to request RENTEO access to their Personal Data, the rectification or erasure thereof, or a limitation of the processing concerning them, or the right to object to the processing of such data.

You also have the right to data portability. This right gives you the possibility to receive some of your data in an open, machine-readable format. You can therefore easily store or transfer them from one information system to another, at your convenience.

If you believe that RENTEO violates your rights regarding the processing of your personal data, you are entitled to file a complaint with the CNIL (French Data Protection Authority).

Data subjects are also entitled to define general or specific guidelines regarding the post-mortem fate of their Personal Data. Specific guidelines can be registered with the controller. General guidelines can be registered with a digital trusted third party certified by the CNIL. You have the possibility to modify or delete such guidelines at any time.

Upon request, RENTEO provides, free of charge, information about stored data concerning you. For the exercise of your rights, you can send a request:


  • By e-mail to:

  • By post to the following address: RENTEO ZA du maudon 50300 PONTS FRANCE


Your requests must be sent along with the copy of proof of identity.

Additional information

RENTEO reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time, taking into account the provisions in force on the protection of personal data.

If you wish to receive additional information about the way we manage your Personal Data, please send us an e-mail to:


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